Month: March 2020

Financial transparency and the rise of the #debtfreecommunity

Historically, debt was considered private and spending was public. Social media has long been a showcase for the things money can buy—travel! fancy nights out! property!—but over the past few years, the conversation around debt has come to the forefront. Though the roots of the trend can be traced back to the rise of personal finance personalities…
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NYC bans cashless businesses

Last month, New York lawmakers passed a bill prohibiting stores, restaurants, and retail establishments from refusing cash payments. There are many reasons private businesses are trying to eradicate cash, distaste for credit card fees aside. It’s faster and more convenient, because nobody’s counting change. If you’re processing credit cards, you don’t have to worry about employees stealing…
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The woman the Mercury Astronauts couldn’t do without

What a woman: American Hero Katherine Johnson negotiated the dynamics of both race and space.Read this about her:   Movie about her: Her profile at NASA:   It had always been Katherine Goble’s great talent to be in the right place at the right time. In August 1952, 12 years after leaving graduate school to have her first child,…
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How delivery apps eat up your budget

An interesting post from Paul Heydon:  Just read this article. Crazy that some restaurants are charging customers more for meals through a delivery app then in the restaurant. I know some places used to charge less for a pick up order. Anyone know of a food delivery comparison service or app? Huge potential! #fooddelivery #meals After a…
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Taming the mammoth: Why you should stop caring what other people think

This remains one of the most empowering articles I’ve read in recent years. It’s hilarious and amazing. For double trouble, pair it with Tim Ferris’ interview with the author, Tim Urban. 

On needing to find something to worry about

I expected a fluff piece based on the headline. Instead, I got an incredible (and incredibly short) essay that I saved to Evernote and now read several times per month. It won’t apply to everyone, but for some of you, like me, it will have a pronounced “Oh… fuck” realization that could change things. Once…
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The impact of Corona on Startups

What Sequoia is recommending their portfolio companies in the times of the Corona Virus. What impact has the Virus on Startups? Having weathered every business downturn for nearly fifty years, we’ve learned an important lesson — nobody ever regrets making fast and decisive adjustments to changing circumstances. In downturns, revenue and cash levels always fall…
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Ein Startup namens C 16 Biosciences

Ein Startup namens C 16 Biosciences arbeitet an einer umweltfreundlichen Alternative und verfolgt das Ziel, synthetisches Palmöl aus Lebensmittelabfällen und anderen industriellen Beiprodukten zu gewinnen. Im Rahmen einer zwanzig Millionen Dollar Finanzierungsrunde hat sich das Investmentvehikel „Breakthrough Energy Ventures“ an dem Unternehmen beteiligt. Hinter „Breakthrough Energy Ventures“ steht eine Gruppe an Investoren rund um Microsoft-Gründer Bill…
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What Christian Angermayer says about Psychedelics

Christian Angermayer says about Pyschedelics: Nothing so far has summarized my psychedelic trips better than this