Month: October 2020

How I tricked my brain to like doing hard things (dopamine detox)

You probably don’t have a problem playing video games or browsing social media on your phone. In fact I have no doubt you could sit in front of a screen and do both of those activities for 2 hours, or even longer without breaking your concentration. But what about half an hour of studying? That…
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Top 10 cyber security tips

Reboot your mobile device(s) every morning Use a microphone/camera blocker on all devices/computers when not in use Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with all email/cloud/web accounts Use a Password Manager (with strong passwords, no password reuse) Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), make sure the VPN vendor is based in a friendly country! Make sure all…
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Throw out your to-do list — here’s what to do instead

I have a confession to make: I despise to-do lists.For years, I made the mistake of writing a to-do list at the start and end of my working day, telling myself that crossing things off would bring me great joy and satisfaction (spoiler alert: it didn’t).Countless colleagues and managers who professed their love (and obsession) for to-do lists told me…
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