Month: April 2021

How To Get Rich These Days?

Every year since 1982, Forbes magazine has published a list of the richest Americans. If we compare the 100 richest people in 1982 to the 100 richest in 2020, we notice some big differences.In 1982 the most common source of wealth was inheritance. Of the 100 richest people, 60 inherited from an ancestor. There were 10 du…
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Benjamin Franklin On How To Be A Nice, Likable Person

Asking too many questions is negative!

Does The Company Lose Value When The Founder Leaves?

Fred Wilson has some thoughts about it:

This Is How To Treat Your Brain

On the one hand, the Stoics were big believers in the power of reason. They believed we were rational creatures, capable of thinking away through all the distractions and impulses and biases of the mind and body. On the other hand, they knew that people were crazy—that our mind, our thoughts were hardly infallible and…
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A Quote To Think About

I learned some useful things … though they were mostly about what not to do. I learned that it’s better for technology companies to be run by product people than sales people (though sales is a real skill and people who are good at it are really good at it), that it leads to bugs…
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We Can All Learn A Lesson From Beethoven

Beethoven became more original and brilliant as a composer in inverse proportion to his ability to hear his own — and others’ — music. But maybe it isn’t so surprising. As his hearing deteriorated, he was less influenced by the prevailing compositional fashions, and more by the musical structures forming inside his own head. His…
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The Best Advice Your Parents Gave You

Last week, I asked people on Twitter what was something their parents told them as kids but they didn’t realize was true until they became adults. Over 250 people responded. Below are some of my favorites: “’Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.’ Heard it as a child but seldom heeded it in…
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New Updates From S. Smalla

Something of Value Howard Marks with the wisdom and clear thought process to dissect value investing and growth investing, and showing why with Technology markets and stocks, this dichotomy might be false. Very fundamental, very good read. Balaji Srinivasan on The Future of Bitcoin and Ethereum, How to Become Noncancelable, the Path to Personal…
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