Month: September 2021

Four Easy Ways To Respect Your Relationship

Don’t talk shit Or complain about them to your friends. If you have a problem with your partner, you should be having that conversation *with them*, not with anyone else. Talking badly about your partner will erode your respect for them and make you feel worse about the relationship, not better. Respect interests It’s okay…
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Silicon Valley In The Cloud

Failure is okay in Silicon Valley because you can fail and it doesn’t kill your career. In fact, it’s accepted that it takes multiple attempts to be successful, and thus founders are often respected simply for taking big swings.

Insights About The Metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg’s thoughts:

Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People.

I found the vitriol towards Jeff Bezos yesterday to be so strange. Here’s a guy that was flipping burgers at McDonalds when he was 16 (because he had too much acne to work at the cash register), and all the guy’s done since was work, and innovate, and reinvest in himself and his company until…
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