Month: September 2020

Violent movies prevent violence; horror movies prevent horror

1. Violent movies prevent violence; horror movies prevent horror 2. Giving people drugs reduces drug abuse 3. Harsher prison sentences encourage more crime Mark Manson

Why nerds are unpopular

But I think the main reason other kids persecute nerds is that it’s part of the mechanism of popularity. Popularity is only partially about individual attractiveness. It’s much more about alliances. To become more popular, you need to be constantly doing things that bring you close to other popular people, and nothing brings people closer…
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Researchers and founders

They are creative idea-generators—a lot of the ideas may be terrible, but there is never a shortage. They really value autonomy and have a hard time with rules that they don’t think make sense. They are definitely not lemmings. Their motivations are often more complex than they seem—specifically, they are frequently very driven by genuine…
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Why we are bad at making decisions?

Everything you do in life is a trade-off. Anything you say, do, or pursue has a cost and a benefit. Those costs and benefits may not always be immediately apparent — sometimes the costs and benefits are dislocated in time, the benefit being immediate and the cost in the distant future. Sometimes the costs or…
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The best way to exercise self-control is not to exercise it at all

You’ve had a long week but fortunately it’s Friday and things are looking up. After grinding through the day, you stop on the way home to buy groceries for dinner. After getting the necessities, you decide on impulse to buy a dozen cookies. You’re on a diet, but you reassure yourself that you’ll eat only…
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Why are rich people so mean?

Call it Rich Asshole Syndrome—the tendency to distance yourself from people with whom you have a large wealth differential. IN 2007, GARY Rivlin wrote a  New York Times feature profile of highly successful people in Silicon Valley. One of them, Hal Steger, lived with his wife in a million-dollar house overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Their net worth was about…
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Job interviews don’t work

Better hiring leads to better work environments, less turnover, and more innovation and productivity. When you understand the limitations and pitfalls of the job interview, you improve your chances of hiring the best possible person for your needs.   “In most cases, the best strategy for a job interview is to be fairly honest, because the…
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Your smartphone reduces your brainpower

Core message:In the study, Ward and his colleagues examined the performance of more than 500 undergraduates on two different common psychological tests of memory and attention. In the first experiment, some participants were told to set their phones to silent without vibration and either leave them in their bag or put them on their desk.…
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