Month: March 2021

Why We All Should Give Up On Goals

Goals can get you to work harder, focus more and perform better. But they also can make you more likely to cheat, kill your creativity, and make you less likely to thrive. By Amanda Ruggeri

100 Tips for a Better Life

Possessions 1. If you want to find out about people’s opinions on a product, google <product> reddit. You’ll get real people arguing, as compared to the SEO’d Google results. 2. Some banks charge you $20 a month for an account, others charge you 0. If you’re with one of the former, have a good explanation for…
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A Conversation with Distinguished Alumnus Charles T. Munger

I just try and avoid being stupid. I have a way of handling a lot of problems. I put them on what I call my too-hard pile. Then I just leave them there. I’m not trying to succeed in my too-hard pile. Charlie Munger (in this at Caltech from last week). Complement with this talk…
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What Makes a Great NFL General Manager

There’s a guy from retail history by the name of John Wanamaker, and he said something really smart related to advertising. He said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” That’s sort of a special theory of decision making. I think there’s a general theory…
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Marc Andreessen On Productivity, Scheduling, Reading Habits, Work, and More

I would never be a professional gambler but one of the things you find about professional gamblers — they may play poker at night but what they do during the day is they hang out together and they make side bets for large amounts of money. And it’s literally a side bet of sitting in…
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It’s a commonplace now that the kids who were nerds in high school become the cool kids’ bosses later on. But people misunderstand why this happens. It’s not just because the nerds are smarter, but also because they’re more earnest. When the problems get harder than the fake ones you’re given in high school, caring…
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Melinda Gates: 5 of the Most Interesting Conversations I had in 2020

The best way to understand a problem is to talk to the people closest to it. So, most years, I spend a lot of time on the road meeting with people who have firsthand experience with the issues I work on. I always think it’s the best and most important part of the job. In…
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In-N-Out Burger or McDonalds

“That’s stupid —you’re building a lifestyle business” spat the investor across the table, flashing me a death glare. It was 2011 and I was at a roundtable event at Grow Conference, an annual gathering of investors, entrepreneurs, and wantrepreneurs alike. I’d just finished telling my table that I didn’t want to raise venture money and…
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When Our “Principles” Crash up Against our Negotiation Goals

To learn about setting negotiation goals, consider this billionaire’s fight to keep a gate locked that could have upended public beach access nationwide—to his dismay. It’s a cautionary tale for negotiators who are tempted to draw a line in the sand. BY PON STAFF

The Rise Of The BlaBlaMafia

How BlaBlaCar is giving rise to a new generation of startupers. Startup “mafia” is a concept coined by PayPal in the 2000. Its refers to a network that takes root in one single company, and with talent, mentorship and capital, evolves into a broad alumni network breeding generations of successful startups across the ecosystem. Nicolas…
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