Month: March 2021

Tobi Lütke, Founder and CEO of Shopify

One of the most interesting founders in technology and commerce – Tobi Lütke, Founder and CEO of Shopify. The Observer Effect

Bitcoin For The Open-Minded Skeptic

Strong explanation. First time it really made sense to me.

Here’s How Much The Biggest YouTube Stars Earned This Year

$15m a year for #10. Nice. Creator economy.

How to Operate (Keith Rabois)

Great 45mins lecture by the legendary Paypal, LinkedIn, Square executive.

These Breakthroughs Will Make 2021 Better Than 2020

The latest on the innovations that will let us go back to normal. BillG with the high-level breakdown of progress with regards to Covid.

All Stars: Is a Great Team More Than The Sum Of Its players?

Complexity science reveals the role of strategy, synergy, swarming and more. Fascinating article on complexity science and how team performance is likely much more than what we can currently measure or fathom. No answers in there; but the pondering is a good read.

Facebook Groups: Beauty’s Secret Weapon

Beauty brands are using Facebook groups to gather consumer insights. Here’s how to make them work best. BY DANIELA MOROSINI

The North Carolina Kid Who Cracked YouTube’s Secret Code Man, he is inspiring. Hard work and dedication to conquer, truly conquer a huge opportunity. And he launched 300 restaurants simultaneously, making his app #2 on the app store for a brief time So cool.

Fresh Off IPO, Upstart’s CEO Shares Why the Startup Isn’t a Typical Success Story

Very detailed story with lots of lessons learned in there.