Month: May 2021

Google’s Project Starline: Feel Like You’re There, Together

Incredible technology. Cannot wait for this to become commercially viable, but probably at least half a decade out.

Grit, Resilience And Determination

… the single greatest determinant of success was not talent. It was grit. Absolutely.

Taste For Makers

Wow, what a gem of an article! Instantly one of my all-time favorites- It’s from 2002, and it could not be any more relevant today. Taste IS often objective and the result of expertise and craftsmanship.

There Are Two Types Of Talent: Natural And Chosen

Natural talent needs no explanation. Some people are just born better at certain things than others. While natural talent may win in the short term, it rarely wins in the long term. A lot of people who are naturally talented don’t develop work at getting better. Eventually, naturally talented people are passed by people who…
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Zeynep Tufekci

It is easier to keep adding exceptions and justifications to a belief than to admit that a challenger has a better explanation. Zeynep Tufekci

Advice For Curious People

If you want to make progress in any area, you need to be willing to give up your best ideas from time to time.

Great Learnings From The CEO Of Delivery Hero In A Twitter Thread

1/10 Speed beats perfection almost every time. 2/10 Most decisions are of “revolving door” nature. Don’t waste time overanalysing. (thanks @JeffBezos) 3/10 Being yourself is always better than a loosy copy of someone else. 4/10 Focus on gradual improvements rather than step change. 5/10 It’s rarely too late to enter a market with better customer experience, see…
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Q&A With Zach Coelius On Angel Investing

How to think about follow-on investment strategies as an angel investor “The secret in the early-stage is to search for winners, and that’s a discovery process. The secret to follow-on is to pile in the winners, and that’s about information, understanding what’s a winner and what’s not, and avoiding losers.” Zach Coelius | @zachcoeliusManaging Partner, Coelius…
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