Month: April 2021

Two Worlds Of Venture

Why some founders easily raise and some have problems? Fair vs. unfair?

The Risk Of Meditation

On a cloudless afternoon in March 2017, Megan Vogt drove her truck toward a Delaware town between the coastal plain and the foothills of the Appalachians. She was on her way to a silent retreat at Dhamma Pubbananda, a meditation center specializing in a practice called vipassana, which its website describes as a “universal remedy…
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The Most Important Trait In The 21st Century

A few days ago, I was having a conversation with a friend about the many people we knew in our lives who seemed to be stagnant—i.e., not changing, not progressing, not accomplishing their goals—and the many people we knew who were not stagnant—i.e., moving up in the world, making things happen, reinventing themselves and their…
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Why It Is Good To Be Impatient

June, 2017: my partner Eve and I are stuck at the visa-on-arrival desk in the domestic transfer wing of Bole International Airport, Addis Ababa. The rest of the transfer passengers, all Ethiopian, are waltzing past us to form a monster queue at passport control. As soon as I get my precious stamp, I sprint off…
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If someone’s much better than you at something, they probably try much harder. You probably underestimate how much harder they try. I’m not saying that talent isn’t a meaningful differentiator, because it certainly is, but I think people generally underestimate how effort needs to be poured into talent in order to develop it. So much…
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Kobe Bryant’s Tragic Flight

Kobe Bryant’s Tragic Flight  (Vanity Fair, 25 January 2021) This article is a timeline of the day Kobe died in the helicopter crash that also killed his daughter Gigi and seven other people. But more than a timeline, the piece gracefully interweaves details that inform Kobe’s love for travelling by helicopter, the personal narratives of…
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Commemorating Ayrton Senna’s Birthday

If you like Formula 1 and like to test your limits, this is an interesting piece. P. Attia wrote it as a commemorating to Ayrton Senna’s birthday:

A Brief History Of The Hedge Fund

If you are interested in hedge funds, this is a good education:

The Beauty Of Technology

Q: A couple of geeks who sketched out some software could destroy Sears Roebuck? A: That’s the beauty of technology. Wonderful video that is worth watching in its entirety. People forget just how much skepticism there was about Amazon back then. One of the jokes that made old economy types chuckle was to refer to…
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Talk Of The Town

Great but old Article about S. Schwarzman and H. Kravis: Topping each other’s deals—$31.4 billion! $39 billion! $45 billion!—K.K.R.’s Henry Kravis and the Blackstone Group’s Stephen Schwarzman are locked in combat at the top of the private-equity heap. The rivalry has only sharpened since Blackstone’s I.P.O. sparked public outrage over the low taxes on such…
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