Month: May 2021

The Pygmalion Effect: Proving Them Right

What we achieve, how we think, and how we act, can be influenced by the expectations of those around us.

Ask An Angel With Zach Coelius

Zach Coelius | @zachcoeliusManaging Partner, Coelius Capital Zach joined Jason for an hour of live listener questions across LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter, some top insights were: For founders: Create a product that provides incredible value to your customers. This is the foundation for future success.Even if progress seems slow, it’s more important to work on the…
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Difference Between Physical And Emotional Pain

FACT: The brain does not recognize the difference between physical and emotional pain.  WHAT THIS MEANS FOR US: If we see a friend get cut and bleed all over the place, we rightly freak out and offer help. Yet, when we see someone in emotional pain, they usually pretend they’re not hurt, and we pretend…
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More From S. Smalla

“There is only one way to avoid criticism. Do nothing. Be nothing. Say nothing.” – Aristotle 100%. How well can Magnus Carlsen identify chess positions? David Howell tested the world champion, and the result is truly mindblowing! Stunning. Nobody Cares Such important advice. “All the mental energy that you use to elaborate…
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Q: Where Do You Find The Time?

A: Something that saves me a fair amount of time, and mindshare, is not being active on social media. As more research is conducted on the long-term effects of social media, I am more convinced now than ever that this one decision has made a massive impact on me. In a recent issue of the…
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Knowledge Versus Wisdom

Albert Camus once said, “An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.” I love this quote because it explains the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing lots and lots of stuff. Wisdom is understanding how your mind uses that stuff. 

 In psychology, this “mind watches itself” is known as meta-cognition. Or, more…
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Why You Should Have Difficult Conversations

One of my favorite pieces of research finds that people fear asking difficult/sensitive questions far more than being asked difficult/sensitive questions. That implies that in most social situations, people are afraid to talk about the juicy stuff because they falsely believe other people don’t want to talk about it! It’s yet another example of how…
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My Favorite Resources From Kotrust

Michael Siebel’s Advice for First Time Founders Vinod Khosla’s Talk at GSB Peter Thiel’s Lecture on Competition James Currier on Network Effects Andresseen Horowitz on Network Effects

6 Things I Eventually Learned

1. The best relationships are the ones you don’t have to force. 2. Nobody remembers your mistakes as much as you do. 3. It’s better to do something every day with no dream than to dream all day and do nothing.  4. Success never feels as good as you had hoped; failure never feels as…
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Moore’s Law For Everything

The changes coming are unstoppable. If we embrace them and plan for them, we can use them to create a much fairer, happier, and more prosperous society. The future can be almost unimaginably great. by Sam Altman Moore’s Law for Everything