Month: September 2020

Why are humans so curious?

The human craving to know and understand is the driving force behind our development as individuals and even our success as a species. But curiosity can also be dangerous, leading to stumbles or even downfalls, so why does this impulse so often compel us throughout life? Put another way, why are humans so curious? And…
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What I’m thinking about

Things that reduce the odds of long-term success: Saying yes to too many things. Making excuses. Staying up late. Eating poorly. Checking email first thing in the AM. Working more to fix being busy. Buying things you don’t have the money for. Staying in a relationship when you’re not happy. Neglecting relationships that you take…
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The skill you’ve never been taught

No skill is more valuable and harder to come by than the ability to critically think through problems. And schools don’t teach you a method of thinking, you have to do the work yourself. Those who do it well get an advantage and those that do it poorly pay a tax. Poor initial decisions are…
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Why everything is your fault

There are two mindsets that matter: active and passive. With a passive mind, things happen to you and you’re not responsible for them. An active mind, on the other hand, means ownership. The difference between a passive and active mind is easy to spot. For example, if someone arrives late because of traffic, do they…
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Want to change your personality?

Olga Khazan is an award-winning writer for The Atlantic, where she covers health, gender, and science. When her new book, Weird: The Power of Being an Outsider in an Insider World, became an official Next Big Idea Club selection, Olga stopped by our headquarters to share an exclusive set of insights. We’re proud to share one of them below. Next…
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Straightforward vs. complicated people

A basic distinction in humans is between those who are simple and straightforward to deal with – and those who are – as we tend to be reminded when we interact with them – repeatedly tricky or complicated to handle. What makes straightforward people gratifying to be around isn’t so much that their positions and…
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Thinking for oneself

When I was young, I thought other people could give me wisdom. Now that I’m older, I know this isn’t true. Wisdom is earned, not given. When other people give us the answer, it belongs to them and not us. While we might achieve the outcome we desire, it comes from dependence, not insight. Instead…
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Be impatient

Why it is good to be impatient – be impatient: There’s an obvious way in which moving faster is important: if you’re 10% more productive, you will finish your work in 10% less time, so you can do 10% more work total. But I don’t think that’s the main reason that speed is important. It’s…
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10 laws of healthcare

The global pandemic has been a watershed moment for many fast and necessary changes in healthcare; COVID-19 has demonstrated that the fee for service paradigm isn’t a sustainable model—hospitals were busier than ever but losing $50 billion per month. “Much like the transition to the cloud was a calculated, yet worthy risk for enterprises to…
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Biohacking lite

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about how the human body works, plus a whole lot more. Check it out. Throughout my life I never paid too much attention to health, exercise, diet or nutrition. I knew that you’re supposed to get some exercise and eat vegetables or something, but it stopped at that (“mom…
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